REI Custom High-Performance Program


You Can Harness the Power of Your Sensitive Gifts

Being sensitive means you can appreciate subtleties in everyday experiences. You feel more. You see more. You sense the depth of our human experience in art and music, in tastes and textures of food, in nature and culture. You simply feel more deeply what it means to be human on this earth.

Being sensitive is a gift. Learn how to harness your sensitivities and you will enhance your life.


The REI for Sensitive People Program pairs two core components: Sensory Processing Sensitivity Program and Subtle Energy Sensitivity Training.

  • Sensory Processing Sensitivity (SPS) Program. This is an REI Custom Program made just for you. Simply complete the intake and listen to your custom REI track once a day to improve your sensory processing.
  • Subtle Energy Sensitivity (SES) Training. The videos in this training give you the skills to navigate your emotional and energetic worlds and allow you to optimize your gifts as a sensitive person.

​​​​​You will develop the clarity to trust your instincts, identify and work with subtle energies, and foster healthy interactions between yourself and others. The program will also re-pattern your central nervous system so that you can better self-regulate sensory input and navigate the complex world of external stimuli. The REI for Sensitive People Program is designed as a beautiful blend of energetic and physiological growth.