Strong Institute
Creators of Rhythmic Entrainment Intervention™
REI Training Programs and Courses
Drum Healing Course

The Drum Healing Course is designed to offer an experiential, practical and esoteric understanding of rhythm and its healing benefits. You will learn to play the rhythms. You will feel the impact of rhythm in your body and your psyche. And driven by the drum, you will meditate without effort.
The program is designed to meet you at your drumming skill level.
The Drum Healing Course is Presented in a 3-Tiered Structure.
The Drum Healing Course will help you to gain much more than you would in a live setting. Aside from the extra time to practice and integrate, this weekly format allows me to provide you with a 3-tiered structure. Each week you will receive:
Beyond Shamanism Course

Utilize the Science of Altered States of Consciousness to Meditate, Visualize, and Manifest.
Shamanic practices around the world all have one thing in common - they utilize an altered state of consciousness. True shamans work to improve the health of an individual, the health of society, and their own health.
In this program, you will explore the history and science of core shamanism and practice traditional journeys. You will then go beyond shamanism by utilizing the drum and its rhythms to enhance your relationship with yourself and the world through energy work, visualizations, and more. Each of the drum-driven meditations will help you achieve specific brainwave states, the very heart of altered states of consciousness, where you will successfully attend to your energetic body.
Drumming the Chakras Course

Access and heal your chakra energy centers
Accessing the chakras involves meditation - the ability to enter an internally-directed brain state. This process is made easier by combining ancient drumming techniques with the meditative visualizations traditionally used to access these centers.
The drumming rhythms in these courses will activate your chakras while the tempos will drive your brain into the theta state of consciousness. You will be able to disengage your analytical mind and open to the subtle awareness that lets you truly "see" these energy centers.
In this course, you learn 2-bar drumming rhythms and 16-bar compositions for each of the chakras. I provide from-the-ground-up drumming instruction for 3 styles of hand drums. Absolute beginner to advanced player, this course has generous opportunities to improve your technique.
You will also discover how to harness the power of 4bps, 6bps, and 8bps drum-driven meditations for deeper access to your chakra energy centers, giving you a powerful tool for your healing (and for your clients, if you are an energy healing professional).
The REI Custom Program For Sensitive People
You Can Harness the Power of Your Sensitive Gifts.
Being sensitive means you can appreciate subtleties in everyday experiences. You feel more. You see more. You sense the depth of our human experience in art and music, in tastes and textures of food, in nature and culture. You simply feel more deeply what it means to be human on this earth.
Being sensitive is a gift. Learn how to harness your sensitivities and you will enhance your life.
The REI for Sensitive People Program pairs two core components: Sensory Processing Sensitivity Program and Subtle Energy Sensitivity Training.
- Sensory Processing Sensitivity (SPS) Program. This is an REI Custom Program made just for you. Simply complete the intake and listen to your custom REI track once a day to improve your sensory processing.
- Subtle Energy Sensitivity (SES) Training. The videos in this training give you the skills to navigate your emotional and energetic worlds and allow you to optimize your gifts as a sensitive person.
You will develop the clarity to trust your instincts, identify and work with subtle energies, and foster healthy interactions between yourself and others. The program will also re-pattern your central nervous system so that you can better self-regulate sensory input and navigate the complex world of external stimuli. The REI for Sensitive People Program is designed as a beautiful blend of energetic and physiological growth.
Chakras Energy Healing Course

Access and heal your chakra energy centers
Accessing the chakras involves meditation - the ability to enter an internally-directed brain state. This process is made easier by combining ancient drumming techniques with the meditative visualizations traditionally used to access these centers.
The drumming rhythms in these courses will activate your chakras while the tempos will drive your brain into the theta state of consciousness. You will be able to disengage your analytical mind and open to the subtle awareness that lets you truly "see" these energy centers.
In this course, you discover how to harness the power of 4bps, 6bps, and 8bps drum-driven meditations for deeper access to your chakra energy centers, giving you a powerful tool for your healing (and for your clients, if you are an energy healing professional). No drumming required.
Acupuncture Meridian Drumming Course

Learn to Stimulate and Balance the Chinese Energy System.
The Acupuncture Meridian Drumming Course contains over 3 hours of training videos, showing you how to play rhythms for the 12 main meridians of the Chinese medical system: Bladder Kidney, Lung, Large Intestine, Stomach, Spleen, Liver, Gallbladder, Heart, Pericardium, Triple Warmer, and Small Intestine. Presented as yin/yang paired meridians as they relate to the Five Elements (Water, Metal, Earth, Wood, and Fire), these rhythms will give you the power to stimulate and balance your energy system.
Course Contents
REI for Sensory Professionals: SI Series CDs Or Audio Downloads with Training

Designed with the Sensory Integration professional in mind, The SI Series 8-CD set or Digital MP3 Downloads supports optimal sensory function.
The SI Series recordings consist of 24 audio tracks covering four sensory areas - Auditory, Proprioception, Tactile, and Vestibular - and three sensory responses - hypersensitive, hyposensitive, and discrimination. These recordings can be used during SI exercises or in between SI sessions in your client's home. They are designed to give you the flexibility to successfully blend with your sensory integration tools and protocols.
Expert instruction by REI Creator Jeff Strong along with clearly written instructions are included, allowing these recordings to be effectively used with minimal training. You can also download the REI SI Series rating scale to help determine which CD and track to use for each client's unique needs.
Recordings in the SI Series include:
Each recording in this set contains 3 approximately 20-minute long tracks. Choose one track to play during sensory exercises or between sensory integration therapy sessions. Choose your track based upon the following criteria: