In this video, I show how complex, unpredictable drumming rhythms stimulate gamma brainwave activity. I also show that specific rhythms and tones activate the brain. ...
Strong Institute
Creators of Rhythmic Entrainment Intervention™

The Strong Institute is a Leader in the Science of Applied Musical Rhythm.
“Our son is more cooperative, calm, focused, and makes fewer noises [since starting the REI Custom Program]. He is also showing more social interaction at school. He has talked more about friends and he’s initiating play with others.”
Martha W. Mother of a 9 yer/old with ADHD

REI Custom Program
The REI Custom Program is a custom-created auditory brain stimulation program that uses musical rhythm to stimulate and re-pattern neurological function.
Featured Blog Posts
EEG Brainwave Activity While Listening to REI Drumming Compared to Brain Shift Radio’s Ambient Mix
In this video, I show you EEG brainwave activity of an adult male with ADD as he listens to REI drumming rhythms and Brain Shift ...
Watch EEG Brainwave Activity of an Adult with ADD Listening to REI Drumming
In this video, I share real-time EEG brainwave activity of an REI client: an adult male with ADD. I show you how his brain entrains ...
REI for Calm: 3 clinical studies show reductions in anxiety and anxiety-based behaviors
Since our first clinical study in 1994, we have focused on how to reduce anxiety and induce calm. For ten years our research examined children ...
Quantitative Data Shows that Listening to Complex Drumming can Increase Attention.
Several years ago we created a Continuous Performance Test (CPT) to see if listening to complex drumming rhythms can improve focused attention. We created this ...
Jeff Strong: How I Use REI Drumming for Sensory Processing
In this video Jeff shows how he approaches the three types of sensory processing issues – hyper-sensitivity, hypo-sensitivity, and sensory discrimination. He plays examples of ...
“We would definitely recommend the REI Custom Program™ to other parents with children on the Autism Spectrum. We tried other therapies including the Gluten/Casein Free Diet and the Tomatis Listening Program with mixed results. We have definitely seen improvements with our son while on the REI Custom Program.”
David S. Father of a 9 year-old with autism"
I'm focusing better and getting a lot more done at work [since starting REI]. I can stay with a project a lot longer without climbing out of my skin. I'm also falling asleep easier and waking up much earlier in the morning."
Josh B. 22 year-old with ADD and sleep issues
"Since beginning the REI Program, My husband is less forgetful, more organized, and more cheerful. He's whistling for the first time in years, a sign that he's happy. He's taking the initiative to play his CDs everyday. I'm so grateful to have my old husband around again."
Barbara Z. Wife of 67 year-old with AD/HD and mood issues
“I would definitely recommend (the REI Custom Program™), absolutely. I think the children that have these certain issues benefit from all kinds of therapies and interventions and this is one we’ve seen-- like I said, the fog has lifted in so many ways. He seems so much sharper."
Nancy D. Mother of a 7 year-old with PDD
“I’m sleeping, dreaming and waking up fresh. My depression has lifted completely. Although I’m 52, I’m feeling like I’m back at 27. Thank you for giving me my life back!"
Marsha M. 52 year-old with sleep and mood issues