REI Authorized Provider Training 4-Pay

$107.00 / month for 4 months

The REI Authorized Provider training program is sought after by health care professionals who work with individuals with neurological disorders. The program is interesting, relevant, and chock full of cutting-edge therapeutic material and is recommended for professionals who want more comprehensive research support for understanding REI

Learning Objectives

The goal of this seminar is to train you to be able to provide Rhythmic Entrainment Intervention to your clients. Whether they present neurological disorders such as AD/HD (ADD, ADHD), Autism, Anxiety Disorders, Bipolar Disorder, Traumatic Brain Injury, Depression, PTSD, Sleep Disorders, or other more obscure conditions, the REI Custom Program can address their challenges and facilitate global improvements. Participants will:

  • Understand the historic role of auditory rhythm around the world.
  • Comprehend the scientific basis supporting these ancient techniques.
  • Distinguish how the core elements of music – tone, rhythm, melody, and harmony – influence the listener psychologically and physiologically.
  • Understand music research as it applies to sensory processing and language abilities.
  • Identify how auditory rhythm is processed in the nervous system.
  • Explore clinical and scientific research on Rhythmic Entrainment Intervention.
  • Demonstrate how to properly integrate the various REI recordings into your clinical practice.
  • Integrate theory and practice to successfully perform the REI Custom Program Intake and follow -up and exit assessments.
  • Identify a client’s progress and ensure they see the most benefit from REI.

REI Authorized Provider training is for both the intermediate and advanced educational levels who wish to reach competence as an REI Authorized Provider. You can find a complete syllabus here and CE classification codes here.


Licensed therapists can offer Rhythmic Entrainment Intervention CDs and programs through our Authorized REI Provider network. We currently have over three thousand providers located around the world. Authorized REI Providers come from a variety of backgrounds including:

  • Occupational Therapists
  • Speech-Language Pathologists
  • Physical Therapists
  • Psychologists and psychotherapists
  • Psychiatrists and neurologists
  • Family Practice Physicians
  • ADHD coaches
  • Certified Autism Specialists
  • Music Therapists
  • Other health care professionals who work with individuals with neurological disorders

The REI Authorized Provider training is a 6-hour course designed for professionals unfamiliar with REI who want the most comprehensive introduction to REI. This program offers a solid foundation of the history and research of musical rhythm.

The online Authorized Provider Training program is a self-paced, streaming-video program that allows you to work at your own pace in the convenience of your home or office.