The REI Custom Focus Program

The REI Custom Focus Program is a home-based auditory brain stimulation program that uses musical rhythm to stimulate and re-pattern neurological function. A unique blend of modern advances in brain research and ancient rhythmic techniques, REI facilitates long-term improvement in cognition, attention, and executive function.

We all have trouble focusing sometimes. Significant trouble sustaining attention, however, can be a sign of the brain-based condition ADHD (ADD, AD/HD). The REI Custom Focus Program was created from over 25 years of clinical research to improve attention, cognition and executive function.

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The REI Custom Calm Program is a 6-week auditory brain stimulation program to reduce anxiety.

We all experience stress. We may have an unusually difficult day or worry about a particular event. We feel anxious, yet we bounce back.

Many of us, however, carry the anxiety with us every day. Sometimes it's subtle but other times it is disruptive or even debilitating. Every time it's something we want to gain more control of. If you or your child experience any of the following, the REI Custom Calm Program is made for you.

If you or your child experience any of the following, the REI Custom Focus Program is made for you.

  • You Have Trouble Finishing Projects.
  • You Are Easily Distracted.
  • You Are Forgetful.
  • You Have Poor Listening Skills.
  • You Are Easily Angered.
  • You Feel Restless.
  • You Are Often Late.
  • You Have Trouble Prioritizing Tasks.

The REI Custom Focus Program is custom created for you based on your unique focusing capabilities. Whether you experience inattention, distractibility, impulsivity, or poor executive function, we deliver the proper stimulus to achieve your goal of improved focus and cognitive control.

Once you begin, the REI Custom Program's interactive online platform and tracking ensures that you are always getting the stimulation that you need based on your real-world performance. Each new track of your program is dynamically engineered in response to your weekly progress.