Strong Institute
Creator of Rhythmic Entrainment Intervention™
Drum Healing Live!
3-Day Intensive
New Dates Coming Soon!
Santa Fe, New Mexico
Discover the Healing Power of Drumming
with Rhythmic Entrainment Intervention Creator Jeff Strong
Join me for an intensive 3 days. We will explore the roots of rhythm healing. Experiential. Immersive. Kinesthetic. We will move through cultures and history and into the science and clinical application of rhythm. Jumping from Shamanism, Shango, and trance drumming, I will bring you into the deep seat of rhythm healing.
Explore the Roots of Rhythm-healing
In 1983, I met a teacher that changed my life. Lloyd was a master drummer, healer, and my mentor. He showed me a world of drumming that I didn’t know existed.
When I first met Lloyd, I was enrolled in the Musician’s Institute studying percussion. I had just completed a 50-week tour and 4 solid years as a professional drummer.
Needless to say, I was no stranger to drumming and rhythm.
But I had yet to fathom the power that the drum could have on players and listeners. With Lloyd, I experienced how drumming becomes the foundation for a healing ceremony, ultimately determining its success (or not). I watched as Lloyd corrected behaviors with his rhythms. I was tutored on how to use core rhythms in improvisation to heal another person.
The lessons I learned from Lloyd settled into my soul and eventually drove me to a 25-plus year career (so far) pushing the bounds of drumming and its clinical applicaton to influence the brain and behavior.
Since 1992, my music has been used by hundreds of thousands of people to help calm, focus, sleep, meditate, create, energize, and uplift.
Up until last year, I rarely shared my background and techniques with others. Writing my book Different Drummer shifted my desire to do more than just scratch the surface.
So I created my online Drum Healing Course. With it, I tried to convey the core aspects of my studies with Lloyd and my other teachers, offering some powerful techniques, history and rhythms, and opening the door to a deeper healing than is available in a drum circle or shamanic practice.
Yet I knew, when I created the Drum Healing Course, that an important piece was missing: Experiencing these techniques with others in a live setting.
Drum Healing Live! is the missing link.
Here, you will feel the reverberation of the bass deep in your chest.
You will transform with the rhythms as they pulse through your entire body.
As you learn the rhythms and techniques and feel the drive of our collective rhythms, you will have the true experience of the drum. I will mentor and instruct. We will play. You will feel the impact of my gonga’s bass.
For an intensive 3 days, we will explore the roots of rhythm healing. Experiential. Immersive. Kinesthetic. We will move through cultures and history and into the science and clinical application of rhythm. Jumping from Shamanism, Shango, and trance drumming, I will bring you into the deep seat of rhythm healing.
You will understand why certain rhythms calm the body while others focus the brain.
You will learn how to play the drum for healing and self-care.
You will feel the power of the drum in your mind and your body.
I will play. We will play. You will meditate, journey, and heal. This is the very root of rhythm, the core of being one with the drum.
At the Strong Institute, we call rhythm healing by other names: auditory driving, stimulation, specificity, and synchronization. There is a little bit of entrainment, too. No matter how you play it, the rhythms will drive your brain and your body toward health and wellness.
Geared toward drummers – and soon-to-be-drummers - of all levels, Drum Healing Live!™ will swing open the doors to a profound relationship with rhythm.
Discover how the drum can change your body, your mind, and settle its rhythms deep into your heart.
Drum Healing Live!™ covers everything in the online Drum Healing course and adds the power of community and the physical impact of drumming in a live setting.
I am conducting this workshop in my hand-made adobe home outside of Santa Fe, at the North end of the Galisteo Basin. We will be an intimate group of drummers, dreamers, rhythm-makers, and healers.
Enjoy 3 Days of Intensive Training
This Course explores traditional therapeutic drumming techniques and shows you how these can be used to influence the brain and behavior.
The Drum Healing Live! is presented in a 3-tiered structure
Explore the history, science and Jeff's experiences from over 30 years exploring drum healing.
Learn rhythms to help you progressively develop your drum healing skills.
Deepen your personal connection with drumming meditations using the rhythms presented in the module.
New Dates Coming Soon
Santa Fe, New Mexico
Registration $495 (Save $100)

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

This Workshop offers an experiential, practical and esoteric understanding of rhythm and its healing benefits
You will learn to play the rhythms. You will feel the impact of rhythm in your body and your psyche. And driven by the drum, you will meditate without effort.
The program is designed to meet you at your drumming skill level. If you are an absolute beginner (or don't even know if you want to really learn), this program offers from-the-ground-up instruction on technique. If you are an intermediate or expert player, you will find a ton of rhythms and techniques that will challenge and inspire you.
Here is What We Cover
Foundations of Drum Healing
Exploring the history of drum healing around the world.
Introducing 3 core therapeutic drumming techniques - their essence and origins.
Basic technique drills and rhythms that utilize core techniques.
Meditation: Getting grounded.
Shamanic Drumming
Understanding the rhythm.
Exploring the visualizations and integrating with other meditation techniques.
Journey: Connecting with a spirit guide.
Meditation: A traditional journey to gather your energy.
Trance Drumming
Discovering the history and science of trance.
Exploring rhythmic concepts.
Experiencing trance.
Playing three trance rhythms.
Meditation: Tapping into your inner wisdom.
Ceremonial Drumming
Exploring the history, science and current applications.
Exploring basic rhythms.
Aligning your goals with the rhythms and techniques.
Meditation: Checking in.
Introducing Rhythm Healing
Exploring the history of rhythm-healing.
Understanding the role of specificity.
Playing chakra rhythms.
Meditation: Balancing your chakras.
More on Rhythm Healing
Digging deeper into rhythm-healing and specificity.
Understanding calm and focus.
Exploring rhythms and archetypes.
Meditation: Defining and refining your boundaries.
Sign Up Today and Get Immediate Access to the Online Drum Healing Course
Plus Enjoy These Special Bonuses
$476 Total Value
REI Custom High Performance Program
This is a special program created just for this drum healing training. Based on your intake, we will create 8 weekly custom-made tracks for daily listening. These tracks will support you in your journey and help you get in the zone for the work you will do during the program. The REI Custom High Performance Program is transformational; I am exited to offer it in conjunction with the Drum Healing Training Program.
$397.00 value
7 Brain Shift Radio Mixes
Receive 7 of the most popular mixes from my streaming music site - one from each category: brain boost, calm, energy, focus, meditation, sleep, and uplift. These mixes are not available anywhere else as downloads.
$69.00 value
Different Drummer Book
Receive a digital copy of my memoir, Different Drummer: One Man’s Music and Its Impact on ADD, Anxiety, and Autism. The book explores drum healing and the development and practice of REI.
$10.00 value
About the Workshop Facilitator
Jeff Strong is the creator of Rhythmic Entrainment Intervention™ (REI) and the Director and CEO of the Strong Institute, a research center and provider of evidence-based custom auditory brain stimulation programs. He is also the co-founder of Brain Shift Radio, a streaming music site containing personalized music to enhance brain function.
Jeff is a percussionist, composer, recording engineer, researcher, clinician, and a sought-after expert on the therapeutic use of rhythm. He is the best-selling author of eight books, including Drums For Dummies and Different Drummer: One Man’s Music and Its Impact on ADD, Anxiety, and Autism.
New Dates Coming Soon
Santa Fe, New Mexico
Registration $495 (Save $100)

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

Workshop Details
Friday: 10AM - 6PM
Saturday: 10AM - 6PM
Sunday: 10AM - 6PM
Lunch, drinks and snacks are provided throughout the workshop.
Private Lesson Add-on
Appointments available Monday and Tuesday
Please contact us for scheduling options: [email protected] or 800-659-6644.
Drum Healing Live! will be held in my home in Lamy, NM, 16 miles Southeast of Santa Fe. There is no public transportation to Lamy. Participants will need to rent a car or work with us to arrange transport with another participant.
Allergy Alert: Spring in Northern New Mexico brings high winds and high pollen counts. As well, I have house cats and a dog.
Santa Fe is accessible via Albuquerque International Sunport and the Santa Fe Municipal Airport (limited flights). Driving distance from Sunport to Santa Fe: 67 miles; Sunport to Lamy: 82 miles.
Amtrak's Southwest Chief line stops in Lamy, with a for-fee shuttle service to Santa Fe.
Car rentals and basic shuttle services are available at both airports.
Santa Fe is a major tourist destination and offers many types of lodging, from thrifty to expensive and national chain to mom & pop. This brief list is a fine place to begin your search.
The Pecos Trail Inn (closest motel: 16 miles to Lamy)
Hotel Santa Fe, an unique, Native-owned hotel near downtown Santa Fe
Airbnb in the Eldorado area (community with a grocery store, 7 miles to Lamy)
Additional hotel and motel options:
These sites are just 10 miles up the road from Lamy:
Rancheros de Santa Fe Campground
Santa Fe KOA Journey