Strong Institute

Creators of Rhythmic Entrainment Intervention™

REI Custom Program Tracks

Click your track title, below, to play or download your current track. Only play your current track once a day. 

REI Custom Program Track Feedback

Please complete this form in the following instances:

  1. After 7-14 days of listening. Your feedback will help us make your next track.
  2. If, after listening for at least 4 days, you see negative effects. Your feedback will help us advise you on how to proceed.

Note: If you don't hear from us within 24 hours of submitting this feedback, please call 800-659-6644 or email [email protected].

Please enter the name of the Client for whom you are entering feedback.

For which track number are you entering feedback?

How many days did you listen to this track?

Please list any improvements you've experienced during this period.

Please list any challenges you've experienced during this period.

Please describe any allergies, an ear infection, cold, flu or other illnesses you've experienced since beginning the current REI recording.

Please describe any significant changes in routine since beginning the current REI recording (such as changing schools or a vacation).

Please describe any additions or changes to medications since beginning the current REI recording.

Name of Contact Person